Our body is 80% alkaline and 20% acid at birth, but this reverses to 80% acid to 20% alkaline when we reach adulthood because of change in our lifestyle, exposure to pollution, lack of nutrients that our body needs.
To be healthy we need oxygen, nutrients, water, exercise, eight hours of sleep so our body can repair. If we are short of these factors we easily get invaded by microbes or free radicals. Do you know that only 10% of our sickness is caused by microbes, and 90% is caused by free radicals? Our body turns acidic which becomes the breeding ground of microbes and cancer cells.
To restore the body to its normal ph level (alkalinity) especially if we have the malignant cells already, drink a glass of water with 10 drops of MAC, 10 times a day. In addition, dab three to four drops of pure MAC to the affected area.
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