People are so afraid of cholesterol. My physician recommended that I bring it down to 150 from my 200. He prescribed statin for one month, a cholesterol lowering drug.
I researched the effect of statin and most users have this to say: it caused them muscle problems. So after learning about this, I stopped using it after two weeks.
Doctors have recommended eating eggs once a week only, because they claimed that it is very rich in cholesterol. But according to a research done by Dr. Robin B. Navarro, a Filipino medical specialist on the cellular level, avoiding eggs could cause damage to the brain. Egg (from free-range chicken or duck) is a very rich source of choline needed by the blood vessel to prevent its hardening. Other organs also need it for proper functioning.
We should not be afraid of cholesterol because its function is to go to the cell that is inflamed and do its work of patching it up.
A cell that is not properly coated by cholesterol becomes an entry point for the microbes to get in. Likewise, the brain is composed mostly of cholesterol. If the blood is short of cholesterol, it cannibalizes the brain by getting its supply of the needed cholesterol. In the same way that if the blood is short of calcium, it cannibalizes the bones to get its needed calcium.
Dr. Navarro has treated so many patients who no longer recognize their loved ones because of brain damage. Said patients were avoiding eggs. Dr. Navarro administered his RCB (rapid cellular balancing formula) to such patients plus his recommendation of four to six eggs a day, cow bone marrow, beef liver, duck eggs, whey milk, wild honey, non pasteurized buffalo milk (the cow and duck is not fed by feeds, but fed with grass and sea shells respectively.) His patients are back to normal. Visit Dr. Navarro’s site at
According to Dr. Navarro, doctors who followed the once a-week egg diet became depressed themselves. Some committed suicides.
An aunt who was on statin for a long period of time is now suffering from dementia.
Read the BBC news on Depression 'may lead to dementia'
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