Mineral Alkaline Concentrate

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Heart and kidney failure

Heart and kidney problems affect not only the seniors, but the young as well.
One of the causes is "unclean colon". The colon has to be emptied when we eat foods.
Meat takes longer to digest so it stays longer in the system before it is defecated. Unlike fruits and vegetables, digestion is shorter.

If the waste matters in the colon stays there for more than three days, it damages the lining of the colon so it leaks and goes to the other organs through the blood stream.

If the body is short of minerals, the body doesn't function in its optimum condition.
The pancreas releases too little or too much insulin. The liver has difficulty filtering toxins, eventually, bowel movement is affected.

At the age of 58, not reaching his senior years, Nigerian President died of a long illness. He had heart condition and kidney ailment. What could have brought him to an early demise? I don't know. I could only speculate about his eating habit, stress or others.

Protect yourself with the use of Mineral Alkaline concentrate (MAC). For details about the benefits of MAC, please see above literature.

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